Renovo Energy Pipeline
The Pennsylvania Department of Conservation and Natural Resources (DCNR) is considering an application from Renovo Energy to construct a 16-inch pipeline through the Sproul State Forest that would provide the natural gas required for the proposed Renovo Energy power plant to operate.
Sproul is the largest forest in the state forest system, covering 305,450 acres. The public enjoys Sproul State Forest for hunting, fishing, wildlife viewing, camping, boating, ATV riding, horse riding, and for peace and solitude. The forest contains over 400 miles of cold-water streams, including 12 designated Wilderness Trout Streams.
Renovo Energyʼs proposed pipeline will require over 20 acres of trees to be cleared, which will fragment the forest, promote invasive species, destroy streams as well as wetlands, in which the state must protect at the highest levels. This pipeline would provide no public benefit, only injury, to a much beloved and used public resource.
Sproul State Forest Map

Sproul State Forest Map. Taken from PA DCNR.